He protected her all season. He defended her to the other girls. While some of it might be the show, and how they edit things, I truly believe Vienna is not someone I would be friends with in real life. She kept repeating that she is brutally honest and that's why the girls didn't like her. I don't always find that brutal honesty is necessary. While I do believe honesty is essential, I think one can go about that without being mean to others. She was just mean a lot of the time. There were just so many red flags to me. Her immaturity would drive me crazy. But, I guess since I'm around 5 year olds all day I don't want to be when I go home. ha!
Tenley was a beautiful woman with a heart that seems just as beautiful. The class that she displayed when he sent her home was amazing. I'm not sure I would have reacted in such a mature way. Then at the After the Final Rose Ceremony show she was just as sweet. How he could let a girl like her go is just beyond me. I found myself saying, "REALLY??? Are you kidding me??"
While this season was definitely a disappointment for me, you can bet I'll be watching Ali on The Bachelorette when it airs. Are any of you Bachelor and Bachelorette watchers? If so, what were your thoughts on this season?

I hate that I got myself emotionally involved in this stupid show, but I was so angry & confused when he picked her! VIENNA?!? what in the world? I don't know how someone can say, well, this one girl is perfect, I love her, we have the same values, etc etc etc, but.... I think I'll pick the other girl, who no one likes. WHAT?!?! I think he's lost his mind.
I agree, the whole not getting along with the other girls was a BIG red flag!! I'm only 22, but I think she was so immature and annoying! I couldn't take her on the show!! I think he's in for a big dose of infidelity...so we shall see! But he made a big mistake! haha, why do we even care about this that much?! haha
I was a HUGE Tenley fan so was obviously disappointed he didn't pick her. I was also hoping Tenley would've been the next bachelorette. But I do like Ali.
I just don't really understand though. Why would her job force her to come back and then now let her be the bachelorette? Just seems a little fishy to me, like something was "fixed".
But I love her so I don't care. :) I'll definitely be watching. :) :)
UGH I'm soooo disappointed in Jake!! Vienna??? Seriously?!?
I wasn't the biggest Vienna fan, but I was happy for them last night on "After the Rose." They DO look happy, ya know? He sees SOMETHING in her. I personally think she's very immature - especially for him - but he sees something there...
The thing I don't get is that she's SO young & he's an airline pilot - he's going to be gone for days at a time. Can she just sit home in Dallas, where she doesn't know anybody and just play housewife?
I think you already know all my thoughts on this, haha.
I pretty much agree. Ali was not my favorite though...I never really had a "fav" this season. I will still watch The Bachelorette though. I love this show and can't help it! :)
Couldn't agree more!! And I think his family called it when they told Jake her brutal honestly was really an immature defense mechanism...wasn't it strange how they all turned SO quickly. Jake must have told them it was going to be her and get some positive stuff on camera so they didn't look like a bunch of ass h*les later!! I really think it would have been Ali had she stayed, and can't wait to watch her on the Bachlorette!!
Oh my goodness! I couldn't agree more!! I cannot believe he picked Vienna!! I don't think it will last. I LOVED Tenley! I am excited for the next show though! I liked Ali a lot too!!
Amen, sister! I cannot stand Vienna. I really wanted either Ali or Tenley to win, but I will definitely be tuning in to watch Ali on the Bachelorette!
I'm a big bachelor fan. And I was so nervous that he might pick vienna. Personally I think she is way too immature and her eyes creep me out. I felt so so bad for Tenley! But after seeing jake and tenley at the after the rose ceremony, I really do think he made the right choice in following his heart. Because thats all you can really do. They seem happy. I was a fan of ali at first, but when she left that was it! I couldnt believe she actually left. So Im not happy they made her the next bachelorette, I think Tenley deserves it more. But of course I will still watch!! :) Im addicted.
I do watch the show..."guilty pleasure" :)
Jake disappointed me :( However, he did not appear to be the guy for Alley or Tenley, as he seems to need someone who "needs him and strokes his ego". He said he'd always dated inside his comfort zome...well, let's just say he went for the "wild card".
Tenley showed grace...plain and simple. GOD has a man selected for her, a perfect man to fill her heart. She will find him :)
And, ALLEY...harry bar the door! She's gorgeous! I want Jesse the Wine Maker from last seasons Bachelorette for her :)
HUGS and sending positive thoughts to you during this 2ww.
Hi there! Thanks for stopping by!
I couldn't agree more...I was pulling for Tenley! I'll definitely be watching Ali in the next season!
Vienna Sausage... what was he thinking! After the rose is going to be interesting. It was obvious that his parents were weary about her too. I still think that Ella was the perfect one for him but he let her go too! I am glad though that Ali is going to be next. I know age does not mean everything but Jake almost has 10 years on Vienna too! She is still way to immature I think, a lot of growing up left to do!
I would have loved to see a taped reaction from his family over that choice!
So I just stumbled across your blog from other IF blogs...but I got to say the first thing I want to comment on is the Bachelor!! I agree COMPLETELY with everything you said. Vienna...boo! Tenley...beautiful heart! Ali...love and will watch her show!
I am glad I am not alone in watching this guilty pleasure. It is a good distraction from all the craziness we go through!
Hi, I'm just dropping by from another blog.
I didn't watch this season, but then while I was at home, my mom and sister were watching the final, so I watched it with them. Just watching that one episode, I could see how completely immature Vienna was. I just couldn't believe Jake would pick HER. I agree with the first commenter- how could he keep saying how perfect Tenley was and there was NOTHING wrong with her...and then pick Vienna? But I guess if he picked her, then they deserve each other. He must be more immature than I thought, too. Tenley handle the whole thing with such grace and dignity. I wouldn't have been able to.
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