I am so overwhelmed by the wonderful comments you have all left me. Thank you so much to all of your for your kind words, prayers and good thoughts. I appreciate them so very much...we both do! I want to email each and every one of you back, but I have a problem.
Admitting this will most likely make me sound like a dork or at the least inept, but I'm just going to say it...."I don't know how." It's not that I don't know how to email...I'm a master at that. I just am unsure how to email people who comment on my blog. I leave comments for people all the time and they email me back with my comment in the email. So I guess I need help. Admitting is the first step to recovery right??? I'm not sure if there is just some quick way that I am missing that allows me to email back and it includes the portion of your comment or do I do what I normally would and go to your blog, click on your email link and then copy and paste your comment into an email???? I just think there has to be something a bit easier than that. I'm just missing it. Help a girl out!
I need even more help. Maybe this would fall under the suggestion category, but we'll call it help. I am a researcher/planner and reader. I love to read. I always have. In the summer, it's not unusual for me to read a couple books a week. Oh, the joys of being a teacher and having a summer vacation! I also like to research things. Before I make a purchase, I research the item I want to buy. I read reviews and spend time making sure I am informed. My researching/planning skills have kicked in with this adoption, big time!! They make me want to do my research and be prepared to be an adoptive parent. I want to be prepared for the tough questions some day. I want to be prepared for the easy questions. When someone asks me something stupid, I want to be prepared. When someone asks me something because they are just curious, I want to be prepared. I just want to plan ahead and have as much information on adoption as I can. Information from the perspective of the birth parents, adoptive parents and adopted child.
If any of you have suggestions of must read books, I would love for you to share them. I have found several suggestions online, but it's always nice to have personal recommendations. I'll make a list and share it in a post, for those of you who are interested. Thanks so much!
Have a great day! Only two more days until the weekend!

Check out the email address from the commenter. Some people post their email on their profile, and others do not. If it says "do not reply" in the email section, you can't respond to that email, but if there is an actual email address, you should just be able to hit "reply" and start typing away. :-)
two I've heard about are:
The Long Awaited Stork
Secrets of an Adoptive Mother
I also have a site from a friend with lots of books on adoption, but I've forgotten the address. I'll email her and get it..........
change your blog setting to have your comments emailed to you (if you don't already)
When your comments are emailed to you, you can simply RESPOND to them via your email, and that is how you email someone and their comment shows up in the email.
If the commenter email address is not registered with their profile, it will not allow you to email via their comment. You will get a "do not reply" in the address bar when you go to write them a email.
Clear as mud?
I will have to look through my book case - I have 100's of books and look for the adoption ones.
I can't wait to hear how you email people back, because I have NO idea either:).
As for books, I love both of the ones Barbie suggested (I am reading Secrets of an Adoptive Mother right now and it is like she is speaking my heart at times). I also loved Dear Birthmother, Thank You For Our Baby. I've also heard "Talking With Young Children About Adoption" is a good book. It's next on my list:). I totally understand your need to research and try to get a handle on all of this. I just feel like, no matter what I read, it will all be new and amazing and challenging, and there will be many times my reading will do me no good:). But, I love reading about it, so I keep doing it. Enjoy!
Honestly, they go over so much of the adoption stuff during your homestudy---you don't really need those books.
It doesn't matter. That baby is yours. ;)
The books only made me feel overwhelmed and not good enough.
I always wondered how the gals responded to comments via email too. Now we know!
There is nothing wrong with asking for help :) A friend lent me the book "Twenty things Adopted kids wish their Adopted Parents knew." by Sherry Eldridge.
The first 20 pages of the book is a bit depressing (author is an adoptee of a closed adoption), but after that the book is very informative. Just don't read it all in one go.
If you want a REAL in touch perspective into the life of a couple in the throws of adoption...and nearing bringing their little boy home, visit this blog, its wonderful
Do be forewarned though, Leah is pregnant, yes, after 9 long years of exhausting all her options. Her miracle baby girl and her little adopted boy are going to arrive! Leah is an amazing person and has covered every aspect and thought that one can imagine on the subject of adoption. She's had guest bloggers write and her blog is a wealth of information. And, Leah is simply the most wonderful woman...
Wish I could "fix" your comment issue, but I have the same issue :)
So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. (Isaiah 41:10)
here is the site:
I wish I had some book suggestions for you. Since I can't help with that, please know that I'm praying for you and this new journey!
I would recommend "20 things adopted kids wish their adopted parents knew" and "Adopted for Life" - also the blog storinguptreasures.com is great and she lists her favorite adoption books!
Hi! I'm a first time ICLW'er, too! It looks like others have already answered your comment/email question, so I don't feel compelled to help you there. I just wanted to say hi and tell you that I enjoyed my visit to your blog today!
Happy ICLW! (#141)
I liked Adoption for Dummies. Also, there are some good stories in Chicken Soup for the Adopted Soul!
I'm glad to know I can just reply from my email inbox, how nice!
And I'm reading The Adoption Decision: 15 Things You Want to Know Before Adopting by Laura Christianson. I'm enjoying it. It's the first adoption book I've read, and my goal has been to get a basic idea of what all is involved. Glad to read the other suggestions.
Hello there! Thanks for the comment on Busted, I'm here returning the ICLW howdy :-) And following you too!
Ok, I could never figure this comment/email thing out. Somehow Google all magically works together, so here's what I did. I made a Google email address, and then set up my options to email comments to that address... and then I can reply to the comments from there. Hope that helps!
I found “Adoption for Dummies” to be an informative start. It really just helped me familiarize myself with the adoption process and different kinds of adoptions. Now, I was a complete newbie to the world of adoption when reading it, so I don’t know if you’ll find it quite as helpful…but it’s worth a try. Your local library would probably have it.
I loved Idiots Guide to Adoption, it just gave a lot of knowledge, so that I didn't feel quite so overwhelmed. I also have read parts of Successful Adoption: A guide for Christian Families, and the stories in there are wonderful!!! I jotted down the ones mentioned too, I'm with you, I MUST read about everything that I do. I did get a bit overwhelmed for a while and took a break, but I'm hoping back on. I've found a lot of videos on youtube that are done by birthmothers, and I've found some blogs by birthmothers as well, that have really helped me with getting that perspective. It has been helpful for me to know some of what they are going through in my situation. Let me know what books you like!!!
I am the same way! I do a ton of research and reading before I make a decision about something. I did a lot of my initial research through the web. To get a basic introduction to the adoption process and types of adoption, I read the Complete Idiot's Guide to Adoption. I would also recommend Twenty Things Adopted Kids Wish their Adoptive Parents Knew, but as another commenter said, I wouldn't recommend reading it all at once. I would also recommend Adopted for Life, Once they Hear my Name (for transracial adoption), Lifebooks, Toddler Adoption: The Weaver's Craft, and Adoption Parenting: Creating a Toolbox, Building Connections.
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