I'm a month behind on posting about my sweet girl.
At nine months my sweet girl is changing everyday. I love this age so much! She is becoming quite a little person. :)
Ellie is cruising around the furniture with ease. She thinks she's a big girl, let me tell ya! She loves grabbing things on the coffee table and has knocked over our drinks twice now....lesson learned! ha!
We had her in to see our pediatrician again on the 15th...poor girl had another double ear infection. He started her on an antibiotic for 20 days to try to get rid of it once and for all. If it doesn't work, we are going to talk about tubes the next time she has one. We were able to get her weight and she weighed 18.7 lbs. Not sure of her length. We just moved up to the 9 month onesies and sleepers. They are big around, but the 6 month size was just too short. She has a long torso and short legs so she's still in 3-6 month size pants. Dresses are hit or miss...just depends on the dress.
She cut another tooth on the 8th. Her upper right lateral incisor popped through. That gives us 5 teeth now. The other three on top are getting closer too. She is a drooling mess most of the time. Some days I pick her up from the babysitter and she's wet to her belly button and that's with an outfit change.
We started some stage 3 foods this month. She loves to eat and there really isn't anything she won't eat. We can't give her any of the foods with broccoli because it gives her a terrible diaper rash. I read that happens so I've gotten rid of that. I also had some prunes in the back of the pantry for a just in case situation. :) Barry fed her dinner one night while I was doing some work and he didn't know what prunes can do to a baby. Needless to say, I got to experience those prunes the next morning when I got Ellie out of her crib. Oh my goodness! The poor girl pooped all day long.
Ellie loves "Pat a Cake." We do it all the time. She also loves to play peek a boo. She just laughs and laughs. Speaking of laughing, this girl is ticklish! SO very ticklish! She has the deepest belly laugh. It just makes me smile.
"Dada" is still her word of choice. She says it constantly. Whenever Barry walks in the room, she'll reach for him and say it. She knows what she's saying and what it means. She does the same thing with. "Mama" just not nearly as much.
Other kids fascinate Ellie. Whenever she sees another child, she starts smiling and "talking." It doesn't just have to be kids she knows either. It can be any child. She is very friendly and will play with them easily.
This girl is still a rock star sleeper! She sleeps from 7:00 until I wake her up at 6:30 on weekdays. She takes a morning and afternoon nap. Some evenings it's all we can do to keep her awake until bedtime.
Bath time has become her favorite time of the day! We got a new bathtub inflatable duck. It sits inside our bathtub. She just loves it and so do we. It lets her sit in the tub without the chance of bumping her head. It also keeps her contained in a small area. It's just perfect!
I'm sure I'm leaving lots out. I try to jot things down on my iPhone to remember what I want to blog about, but I am sure I don't get it all.
Here are the pics...not too great because she was sick, but that's what was happening that weekend.
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Check out that drool. |
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I love this girl! |

Hmm, never heard that about broccoli causing diaper rash- good to know. Cracked me up about the prunes! My cousin didn't know what they did either and she once fed her baby prunes for an entire weekend.... BIG mistake! LOL
Thanks for the 4-1-1 on the broccoli! I have a little organic broccoli medley for Lleyton to try, but on second thought, I may not ;) And prunes....well, they are our "rescue" fruit and I've had a little dose of what they can do as well...holy moly!
Jennifer, she is absolutely perfect in every way! And gorgeous to boot!
Poor pruned mommy!! I didn't know about the broccoli either--avoid, avoid, avoid!!! C is trying new things food wise too, so very fun! I think Ellie needs to come talk to C too and let them belly laugh together!!!
I LOVE the owl hat!!! She is so precious :) Truitt refuses brocolli so I guess I'll keep making him try it now that I know it can cause the problems! I hope that this antibiotic knocks the infection out!
Wow, has she ever grown! What a pretty girl! :-)
please join my blog http://arif-suhartono.blogspot.com
Hi jennifer aunt ( I used aunt cause Im just 13) well she is an adorable gurl and guess wat I love kids she is such a beauty
Hugs and Kisses to her and take care pots to u
bolg Id= roniva.bolgspot.com
take care
muito linda essa bebe!
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