While we were sitting in church yesterday and were totally unaware, until after church when I went to make a call while talking to some friends and there was our agency as a missed call and a voicemail.
I freaked out...it was a Sunday and soooo not normal!
When we finally got in touch with our social worker, she gave me the details. The baby girl was born Saturday morning and is healthy!! Our SW asked if they could show our profile today. I won't go on and on with the story tonight because my brain is fried, but they showed the BM our profile as well as some others this morning and she chose us!!!! We will not meet her. If all goes according to plan, we will have our daughter home with us on Wednesday!
I'm not going to share all the details, because they aren't mine to share. This is not my story. It is this mother's story and this BEAUTIFUL baby girl's story for her to one day tell if she so chooses.
Please pray that this all works out...we will know for sure tomorrow when the relinquishment papers are signed.
Praise GOD!
I'll update with details as soon as I can!

Jennifer my husband thinks I'm crazy because I literally started crying when I read this post! I am so extremely happy for you! What wonderful news! You will be in my thoughts and prayers in the days to come. Keep us all updated.
wow!! can't wait to hear more about it! :)
Goodness! I'm so happy for you! Congratulations my dear! Happy tears for you...I can't wait to hear more and read the post that she is yours forever!!!
This is wonderful news!!!!!! please update as soon as possible!
Wow!!! So excited for you! Congratulations! Keep us posted and I will be keeping you all in prayer.
OMG, YAY!!!! I couldn't be more excited for you! A baby girl...wow! This is your miracle, so soak it ALL in, my dear:). Pretty soon you'll be too tired to write, so keep us updated as you can...lol!!
So excited! Can't wait to see her!
SOOOO exciting!!! I can't wait to see her beautiful face, find out her name, hear more of her story, and watch her grow!!
Praying!! xoxo
Happy Tears!!
Love You all!!
SOOOO excited for you!!! Praying everything goes smoothly!
Congratulations!!!! :)
this was the absolute best news to wake up to this morning. i am sooo very excited for you!! praying for a quick and easy process in getting baby girl home to you guys :o) xoxo.
Just found your blog and thought I would send an excited congratulations your way! Our (adopted) daughter was born 10 weeks ago today, and she is truly our miracle. Our lives have never known such joy before.
Will be praying that everything goes smoothly and soon you will be home with your little one.
OH MY Gosh!!!!! I am so happy for you guys!! That is so exciting!!! You are gonna have a baby tomorrow...I don't think it could be any more perfect!! Praising God with you!!!
Jennifer, I am SO happy for you!!!! Congrats Momma!!!
Praying that everything works out for you! Congrats!
Yay!!!! SO incredibly excited for you! Praying that everything goes well. Can't wait for an update! :-) God is good!
Just started reading your Blog, congrats, so exciting! God is good!
Congratulations!!! I have just recently started following your blog and I am so happy for you both! It truly is amazing how fast things can happen. Our adoption happened almost the same way. We got "the call" on a Sunday morning and were able to pick up our daughter that same day. It is such a blessing. Just wait until you hold her in your arms for the first time! Looking forward to more updates!
Oh my gosh, how exciting!!!!! Wow one call can change your life in just a few days!
I am praying for you and baby and birthmother!
That is so AMAZING!! Congrats and prayers coming your way. You will still be pinching yourself even when your sweet miracle girl is home!
Yay! Jennifer that is so exciting, so happy for you and your DH. I pray everything works out and you can bring your little girl home.
I am over the moon HAPPY for you!!! I just knew it would be happening soon!!!! Praying for you all!!! AHHHHHH! So exciting :)
Hooray! I'm a lurker, but so incredibly happy for you! :)
Yeah so happy that you feel you have a right to tear another family apart. if you cared about that mother and child you would do whatever you could to keep them together.
Literally every hair on my body is standing up and I'm overcome with emotion. I'm in tears reading your words and praising God for this miracle. He's heard all our prayers....and they are answered.
"For this Child we Prayed and the LORD has granted what we asked of him"
We will be on our knees as the process continues. Praying you hold your miracle safely in your arms tomorrow.
Much Love and Continued prayers...my heart is SO full.
What amazing news! God is good... all the time!
Great news! I can't wait to hear more when you have more details you can share.
Wishing you, your new family, and the birth mother all the best. What an exciting time for you!
OH MY GOSH!!!! Sooooo happy for you guys! My heart started beating so fast!!
Just found your blog and wanted to say a huge Congrats! My husband and I will be on the waiting list soon and can't wait to get our call!
I'm so happy for you!! This is just wonderful news. God certainly plans out a time for all of us to become parents. I pray that this is God's time for you and your husband to enjoy the greatest gift of life-a baby girl!
Oh my gosh, that is great news! Congratulations!!!!
OMG, Jennifer!!! Best news of the day!!!! Can't wait for updates!!!! :)
So very happy for your family and we at Hope Cottage are thrilled to have been able to work with you.
O.K...scrolled down to this post and am working my way up!!! WOOOHOOOOO!!!! I am so happy for ya'll!!
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