When my mom finally got on the phone she said he brought the phone to her and said, "Call jenfa, grandma." How could she pass that up?? Before my visit this summer, he never wanted to talk to me on the phone let alone ask to call. I'd ask to talk to him and then either my mom or my sister would ask him and he would say, "Noooooo." Now he wants to call me!! It makes me so happy. I think I may need to take a trip up there this fall! I'm missing him so much already.
Here's a pic I took while I was visiting. He was picking up crab apples in my mom's backyard.

That is so cute! I love it! Its fun when kids get to the age where they want to talk on the phone. Too precious.
Adorable! My Mom was taking to my 3 yr old nephew and he told her he was eating dinosaur cereal. Then he took the cell phone and put it inside the box and said "see nana". So funny!
I think you need that trip to see your little love :)
HUGS and thank you for the comment you left on my blog. I left a response on my blog just for you, as your words meant so much.
Aw that's awesome. Love the stuff kids talk about.
oooh, that's sooo adorable :o) that must've really made your day. my nephew has taken to calling me starting this summer. i am now his favoritest person in the world. chaching!!!
jenfa is very very cute :o)
He is adorable! That story melted my heart. Kids say the darndest things!!
What a DOLL! So glad this made you smile!
Sooo precious! Talking to my nephews on the phone is often the highlight of my day! :)
Awww...Jenfa. You'd made quite an impression. ;)
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