Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Calling All Readers

Summer vacation is just around the corner and this teacher is ready!! 6.5 days left!!! I'm ready to sit by the pool and do some reading. I love to read just about anything from autobiographies to psychological thrillers. NPR has some good suggestions and I'm going to check those out. I'm also hoping some of you can suggest some good books or an author I haven't read before. Leave me a comment with your suggestions!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Rain, Rain, GO AWAY

I woke up this morning and went to let Sam outsie and the first thing that popped into my head was, "Not another rainy day!" It seems like it's been raining forever! OK...maybe only for just about three weeks. We've had a day or two of sunshine, but not many.
As a kindergarten teacher, this makes my job tough. My kids really enjoy their time outside for recess. They not only enjoy it, they NEED it!! Who am I kidding??? I NEED it!! It looks like we are going to have some sun and clouds tomorrow and then more storms through the end of the week. I have 19 days of school left and I'm hoping that I might have a couple days of outdoor recess and of course some time to work in my yard. Otherwise I might look something like this:

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