Tuesday, July 1, 2008

"Canning" Fool!

I can remember going to Alabama to visit my family during the summer when I was a child. My aunt and uncle had an enormous garden! My uncle seemed to always be picking something, which meant my aunt then canned his pickings. My mom also canned vegetables each summer, but not like my aunt. They had enough for the rest of the year and then some from her canning each summer.
I've helped my mom can tomatoes before, but never done it myself. Until tonight that is!! I have finally canned my first item! ha! As you all know, Barry has planted this amazing organic garden. We have been picking things like crazy. I've been cooking zucchini, green beans, eating fresh tomatoes and cucumbers. Well, blog readers, tonight I canned peppers. I am a pepper loving fool. The hotter the better is my motto. I canned two jars of jalapenos, 2 jars of banana peppers and a jar of chili peppers. The chili pepper jar wasn't quite full, but who cares! :) I spent a bit of time slicing peppers, then got down to business. I even have pictures to prove it. Here's a picture of my peppers in the jar waiting for the vinegar and lids. I didn't take pictures after I got the lids on because I went outside to water my flowers and do some weeding. I'll take pictures of the finished product tomorrow. I'm so proud that the lids sealed! My first attempt and it actually worked. Wooohoo for me!

Here's my proof!

I really enjoyed this! I think I need to find something else to can! Ha!



Pug Mama said...

I've always wanted to learn how to can.
btw, the photo came out beautiful - all those colors!

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