Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Two Months Old

Where has the time gone? I can't believe my baby is 2 months old. Actually she was two months old a week ago and I'm just finding time to update.

Ellie has been smiling since she was 5 weeks old and smiles all the time. She's also cooing and "talking" to us and it's the best. She loves her mobile in her crib. She'll lay there and just talk to her butterfly friends as they spin around. She also enjoys her play mat. The flashing lights and mirror seem to interest her most. Ellie definitely recognizes our voices. When I come into the room and say something she whips her head around as fast as she can to find me. She does the same thing for Barry.

When we went for her 2 month well baby visit, she weighed 9lbs 14oz and was 22" long. She wants her bottle about every 3-4 hours and takes 4 ounces at a time. I think she's ready for 5 though because last night and today she's wanted more several times and will take the extra ounce. She also got her shots. It was NO fun for me or for her! My poor baby screamed her head off for about 10 minutes. I scooped her up as soon as they were done with the shots and she kept right on crying. She was pretty miserable for a couple days. She had a slight fever and was super cranky which is not like her at all.

Ellie is truly the BEST baby ever. She is so easy going and sweet, sweet, sweet. She is a mamma's girl right now. She snuggles right into my body whenever I hold her. It is the best feeling ever. I love this baby more and more each day.  When she's crying I can pick her up or take her from someone else and she stops crying immediately.  Is it bad that I love that?!  :)

She's also a really good sleeper. We have had several nights that she's slept through the night. We lay her down awake and she goes to sleep right away most of the time. There are times we have to go back in and put her pacie back in her mouth, but it doesn't take long. Speaking of her pacie...she loves it! She only takes it when she's sleepy, but it's a must have then.

I can tell Ellie is becoming more and more social and also mobile. She's started rolling onto her side...not over at all, but just up onto her side. It's pretty cute.

I went back to work Monday and although I have a great class and love what I do, I hated it! I was dreading it for over a week. Who am I kidding??  I've been dreading it since before we brought Ellie home.  My class was great and so happy to see me, but I missed Ellie so much. I couldn't wait to get home to her. The evening time goes by way too fast!

Here are some recent pics. I still need to upload her 2 month onesie pics, but I just don't feel up to doing that tonight.

Loves her bath time!

Daddy got his girl this super cute owl towel

She's over it and ready for bed.

I found CB here on the sponge that I store on the bottom shelf of the island.  I guess it's a good spot.  ha!

My best friend Laurie came to visit and meet Miss Ellie.

Isn't this outfit adorable??  My friend Deni sent it to Ellie.  It came with a bib too.   Thanks Deni for all the cute things you sent us.  We love them!

I love these socks!  Dollar Spot at Target!

I'll say it again...I'm going to try and start blogging more regularly.  I miss it and I want to have a record of everything.  I've been trying to catch up on blogs, but can't seem to get to them all.  Sorry friends...I promise I'll get there eventually!
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Wednesday, March 9, 2011


How do mom's find time to blog??? I just can seem to catch up! Of course bogging means I have to find time when Ellie is sleeping and those times are spent doing other things. I still have housework, a dog who feels left out, a husband, and of course I must eat so I have to cook.

Don't get me started on the thank you notes!! We were so very blessed with a fantastic shower and so many friends sent things, but I am struggling to get them completed. Total, I had close to 200 to write. I sit down and get about 5 done and Ellie wakes up or Sam wants out, or in. Last night I did about 40 because my sweet girl finally passed out after crying and screaming forever.  She had her shots yesterday and was not a fan in the least.  I feel awful for her.  Today was also pretty tough. I have about 40 more to finish. Hoping I'll have them done next week!

I'm NOT complaining! I am LOVING every single minute of it! In fact I dread going back to work on the 21st. I'm just heartbroken in fact. So if you could spare some prayers I sure would appreciate them!

Here's one of my favorite recent iPhone pics! I just love this baby girl SOOOO much!

One of these days I'll get around to a real post.  I have people to thank for gifts and feel terrible, but just can't seem to get all the pics uploaded and into a post.  I also need to post about Ellie's 2 month check up.  We went about a week early because our pediatrician is going to be on vacation next week and I didn't want to wait until I went back to work to have her get all her shots.  The consensus at the appointment is that she is perfect!

Right now, I'm going to bed!  I'm beat. My best friend is flying in from Michigan tomorrow and I need to be well rested!
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